Monday, August 24, 2009

7724 Lego City Advent Calendar 2008

This is interesting product from Lego so I have discovered. :)

Basically this is a countdown to christmas for 24 days. Each day you get to open 1 pocket until X'mas (that is if you can resist not opening all in 1 go). Obviously I didn't buy it during X'mas so hehe I have been opening up 3-4 pockets at a time. I will progressively add on when I finish opening them all. From what I have read, there are 10 minifigs. I have finally open up all of them. Here you go for your viewing pleasure!


Pizza Chef

Fireman to the Rescue

Ice Cream, Ice Cream...

Bottle Packer

Mug Shot (Police and Thief)

Im dreaming of a white X'mas!

Gear Up...time to dive!

Ready... Action Winter Explorer!!

Series: City - Seasonal
Model Number: 7724
Model Name: Advent Calendar - City
Year: 2008
Pieces: 196 pieces, 10 minifigs
Bought from Simply Toys (supposely discounted already)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bomberman Collection

While cleaning up my room, these boxes which I kept all these years of my bomberman collection. Boxes are in great condition...but I am throwing them out.. I need space.... space I need!

Toysrus Lego Sale (21-23 Aug 09)

Toysrus held stock clearance sale for Lego products from 21-23 Aug 09. It is said that discount are from 30% onward. Well, what can i say.. i am sucker for lego these days so I headed for the sale. My goodness, it was madness!! People grabbing stuff like it was free (myself include but i did pull myself aside and rational each item i took before making payment).

That being said, the sale is really GREAT! All lego items were literally going for 50% discount. This include some new set release in 2009. Honestly, you can't really blame people for grabbing things like it was for free isn't it? haha

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lego 10197 Fire Brigade and other Lego Exclusive

Ohhh the Fire Brigade arrive in Singapore during this wkend Singapore Toys, Games and Comic Convention.

There is a small Lego Booth but packed with loads of exclusives like Taj Mahal, Effiel Tower, Starwars Millemium Falcon. death star, fire brigade, market street, custom garage etc etc. On Sat, I was told the Carousel and Starwars special pack was arriving.

Carousel is priced at SGD$399.90

Fire Brigade is priced at SGD$299.90

Friday, August 7, 2009

7639 Lego City Camper

Series: City
Model Number: 7639
Model Name: Camper (Van)
Year: 2009
Pieces: 165 pieces, 2 minifig
Bought from Simply Toys at 15% discount

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Dogbert - Magic 8 Ball

Dogbert- Magic 8 ball. Came across this on ebay and went on a mad hunting for it on ebay. Had to moniter it for a few weeks before it reappear at a reasonable price that I could afford it.

For those who don't know, this character from Dilbert Comics Strip.

Behold, Dogbert - magic 8 Ball

Bomberman and Pokemon

Sometimes around 1999 -2000, I was in a mad craze into Bomberman character. I think it was because of the computer game I used to play when I was in studying in Australia. Super fun! ;) After that, I caught sight of these toys and I went on to buy them. See the toy level, the little bomberman that also has little ball inside their body. so interesting. hehe

Pokemon - never was really into it but I thought the figurines were pretty there I bought a few. ;)

First row, bomberman again. A fren bought these for me while in HK.. haha helping me with my addiction.

Doraemon CD Holder

An interesting Doraemon CD Holder that I bought from Japan. I gave it away as a birthday pressie as my fren like Doraemon alot. Ohh, the legs move along with the bicycle when you move it forward. Ahh, Japanese, they thought of it all!

Price: 1000Yen /SGD$15.00 (that was the exchange rate) after discount

Side View

Front View

Smurfs Figurines

Had the smurf holding the music score sheet when I was a little kid. No idea how or where I got it. But I got the scuba diver smurf around 4-5yrs ago. Well, I always liked scuba diving and toys so scuba diver smurf is right up my alley to buy it. ;)

Tennis Smurfette and Smurf was given to me by a friend whom bought it over ebay. She know I was crazy about tennis. again, right up my alley. Again, these are priceless to me!